Have you heard about the newest addition to our services, the P-Shot? This holistic new approach to male intimacy issues has been helping men everywhere enjoy an enhanced sex life and relationship with their partners!

The P in this treatment stands for Priapus, the Greek god of virility, and for good reason! This treatment offers a wide variety of benefits to address almost all of your intimacy concerns! It can help treat Erectile Dysfunction (ED), restore your libido and pleasure and even increase your size!

A lack of confidence in your skills in the bedroom can have far reaching consequences. For instance, it can negatively affect your relationship with your partner. It can also affect your confidence in other aspect of your life, such as your career. The P-Shot can help to give you back the confidence that you have been missing, which can have huge effects throughout your entire life.

Additional benefits of the P-Shot include the instant results with no downtime. You can have sexual relations on the same day, and will likely notice an increase in your size and performance. While it will take between 1 to 3 weeks to see the full effect, these results often last for a year or longer!

Along with the O-Shot for women, here at Primary Aesthetic, we are confident that these treatments can completely transform your sex life! Come in today for a free consultation or click here to find out more about what the P-Shot can do for you!

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